Starting May 8th Nawar Naji from PSR Brokerage along with myself will be launching a 3 part workshop series all about investing in Toronto real estate. In this series we plan to cover topics such as:
- The basics of real estate investing
- Types of real estate investments in Toronto
- Getting a mortgage on an investment property given the new mortgage rules
- Common mistakes real estate investors make
- Hot areas to invest in Toronto
- What you need to know about the new standard lease
- Legal issues that may come up with tenants
- Structuring your real estate investments so the tax man doesn’t come knocking
- Permits and red tape when it comes to renovating
- Plus MUCH MUCH more!
The events will take place on May 8, 29 and June 19th at our PSR office located at 672 Dupont Street from 7-8:30pm each night.
The format for each of the nights will be approximately 45 minutes in presentation with a 45 minute question and answer period to dive deeper into the topics that matter most to YOU.
Details for the first Investing in Toronto Real Estate event can be found here on Eventbrite and future events will go live on Eventbrite over the next week. Seating is limited to about 30 seats so don’t delay signing up as tickets are already going fast!
Hope you can make it, but if you can not please feel free to submit any questions that you might have to and I will try to get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.